Excellent article, sir! Some will come up with a variety of reasons why this will not work, but perfection is not the criterion - "better than what we are doing now" is the criterion. As I have shared with you in the past, I was in a similar situation - I was 53 when I was first married. I now have two step-sons and six grandchildren.

A similar approach is one practiced by most young people in our church. It is a structured alternative to "dating" in which they vow never to be alone together until they are married. Some will scoff and believe it to be a lie, but the fact is that it is not at all uncommon for the couple's first kiss to be following the words, "You may now kiss your bride."

Thanks for recommending the "Look Away" blog - checking it out now.

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Pleased to be of service, sir! And thank you for providing a concrete, specific example of how the traditional alternative to our present dilemma is, in fact, workable!

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