Share this postThe Anglophilic Anglican II“Guardians of Heritage” | What they tookCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMore“Guardians of Heritage” | What they tookIn defense of Western Civilization: culture, history, and heritage. By the Instagram channel @whattheytook.The Rev'd Thomas H. HarboldMay 14, 20242Share this postThe Anglophilic Anglican II“Guardians of Heritage” | What they tookCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMore1ShareI am not usually a fan of AI; but in this case, it is being used well, and in a good cause.whattheytookA post shared by @whattheytook People of the West, arise and stand firm! Let us defend our heritage from those who would destroy it.Thanks for reading The Anglophilic Anglican II! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.Subscribe
Awesome and inspiring! This deserves - no, it requires - that we share it as widely as possible. I know this took an enormous amount of time, but it is worth every minute invested. Invested in our people, in our heritage, in our future!